bird astrologer

Victoria Mbabazi

bird astrologer

by Victoria Mbabazi

— if you’re a Pisces Taurus Capricorn 
Gemini Sagittarius Leo 
Libra Scorpio Cancer 
Aries Aquarius 
— if you see 111 1111 222 
every time you look at your phone 
at 111 1111 222 o’clock 
— if you have a bruise 
on your left knee 
from a childhood fall 
— if you like the colour red 
the colour blue 
the colour pink 
any colour 
— if you saw a car pass by 
when you crossed 
the road this morning 
— if your person’s name 
starts with any letter 
of the alphabet 

love is not a Pandora’s box 
there are no disasters 
you will not be plagued 
for the rest of your life 
if the ocean hits it’ll do 
nothing but caress 
the frame of your feet 
what is the point of these 
dramatics all the angels 
are fast asleep or getting 
drunk with the devil 
they take a two month 
vacation after Christmas 
what do you mean 
you’re waiting 
you are divine 
fuck timing 
just text her

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VICTORIA MBABAZI’s work can be found in several literary magazines including Rejection Letters, Minola Review and No Contact Mag. Their chapbook chapbook is available with Anstruther Press and their chapbook FLIP is forthcoming this spring with Knife Fork Books. They’re currently living in Brooklyn, New York.

bird astrologer can be found in Augur Magazine Issue 5.1.